Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Letter of acceptance

ロンドンのNZ移民局から、最終書類を受け取った旨の連絡が手紙で届いた。これで出すものは全て出し、application statusは「lodged」ということになる。



We received a letter from Immigration NZ in London, that by receiving our last missing papers (the AFP certificates) our application for a residence visa was finally accepted for consideration.

Our application will be queuing to be allocated to a visa officer for assessment (till then our application is managed by a "queue manager" :).

Hopefully we will be allocated to a visa officer within the next 4 months, and he/she will make a final decision in 1 - 3 months following the allocation.

We would most probably be asked to come for an interview. Until then, I will have to gather up the evidences that we are trying to make contacts in NZ and sending applications to companies/organisations in NZ.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Sent off the final paper

AFPから届いた警察証明のコピーを取り、いつものsolicitorのところでcertifyしてもらった。オリジナルをNZ移民局に送らなければならないので、certified copyは我が家の控え。いつも通りSpecial deliveryで送った。これで送るモンは全部送ったぞ、と。

I've made copies of the AFP certificates and have them certified at a solicitor's office, and sent off the original copies (as it was the requirement) to the NZ immigration office in London by special delivery. Finally, everything was sent.

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

AFP certificate arrived

AFPの警察証明が昨日キャンベラから届いた・・・私の分だけ。ちょっとドキドキしたが、夫の分も無事今朝届く。certified copyを取り、早々にロンドンへ送ろう。もうこれで書類集めは最後なんだから、まじめに就職活動をしなくちゃならない。ちょっと不安・・・私が主申請者なんだから、私が働き口を申請したカテゴリ内で得なくてはいけない。責任重大。

Yesterday morning, I've received my police certificate from Canberra. My husband's was missing. His certificate has arrived this morning. I'm gonna make certified copies and send them to London tomorrow by special delivery. Now I've really got to send my job application absolutely everywhere. A bit depressed because I still can't believe in my ability to find a good job in NZ.