Thursday 5 June 2008

Selected from the EOI pool

04 June, 2008
Every 2nd Wednesday, the EOI selection is being done from the pool, and we've made it! We're selected finally, and I don't have to worry about $400 I spent from my credit card anymore (you'll be out of the pool if you're not selected within 6 months). We've had only 125 points with no job offer. If you have less than 120 points with no job offer, you're very unlikely to be selected from the pool - but 125 points is not so much better than that. I'm surprised that my husband's educational qualification didn't contribute much to add the points - he's got a ph.D but his dull IELTS score (7.0) was more critical than his ph.D!  He was late for the IELTS exam that morning and had to give up the 1st half of the listening comprehension test.



我が家は125点しかなかった。しかもJob offer(就職内定)なし。120点以下は考慮もされないらしいが、125点もそうかわらない。

