Wednesday 21 January 2009

AFP application sent off


Received the cheque from my husband's Australian bank for the AFP payment, so set all the paperwork together and sent off to Australia. Fingers crossed, again.

Saturday 17 January 2009

Fingerprints AGAIN


さて次は夫のオーストラリアの銀行から小切手が届くのを待つのみ。前回はイギリスの銀行でbank draftを作ってもらったが、手数料が18ポンドもかかった。オーストラリアの銀行に作ってもらったら、手数料はたったの3.4豪ドル。オーストラアのこの銀行、結構融通がきくしサービスも細かい。夫よ、口座を閉鎖しないでおいてくれてありがとう。

Been to the local police station, took our 4th fingerprints.
Spent £60 for the 1st set (my husband's), £30 for the 2nd set (mine). It's like a "buy one get one half price" offer, but the last time we had to do 2 sets each and we did not get the discount for the 3rd and 4th sets, even though we pointed out that we should be able to get the "discount".

Now we're waiting for our cheque to arrive from an Australian bank where we have an account. Making an international bank draft costed me £18, but the cheque from this Australian bank costs only $3.40 to prepare it.

Friday 16 January 2009




The AFP is very difficult to reach. They have a web inquiry system but they are not responsive. I had to ask maybe 3 questions regarding the application of OZ police certificate, I sent maybe 10 forms and they only replied twice (and some critical information was always missing...). I should have felt lazy and rung them from the beginning. Waste of time. Now time is more important to us.

Secondly, taking fingerprints again at the local police station. AAAAGGGHHH! They haven't got a clue how it works (though it's the biggest police station in the area), and each time they say different things.
Today, my husband had to wait at the police station for 2.5 hrs just to make an appointment to do the fingerprints. He suggested the receptionist (who knew nothing) to make an appintment to make an apppointment (!!!), but he simply had to wait for an officer who at least knows (or have heard) a bit about taking fingerprints for immigration purposes.

Friday 9 January 2009

Bad news again

オーストラリアに住んでいた時の無犯罪証明として提出した、クィーンズランド州警察の警察証明が・・・受領却下された。うっそん。頑張ってAFP(オーストラリア連邦警察)に連絡を取ろうと努力してたのに、AFPは返事がなかったため、クィーンズランド州警察に相談し、nationwide police checkをそこから取ることにしたのだ。AFPのホームページには電話番号も何もなく、ウェブ上にある問い合わせフォームを使い、ファックスも送り、手紙も送付したのになしのつぶてだったのだ(今見たらAFPのホームページには電話番号も載ってるよ・・・)。納得いかないが、指紋採取もやり直し。んがあああーーー

Our QLD police certs were declined and asked to get new ones from the AFP. Really disappointed. We tried our hardest to reach the AFP and they never replied. That's why we got the nationwide police check from QLD. What could have I done?! Gotta go through all fingerprints and payments again.

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Request for the police cert

Received a letter from the NZ immigration office in London (which was posted on 23rd Dec........), saying that they need the original copies of the UK and Australian police certificates. Why not the Russian one?

They've got the certified copies of everything except for the Japanese ones.

I went to the solicitors' and made new certified copies of the UK and Australian police certs for us to keep, and sent the original ones to the Immigration NZ.

Hope they'll process our application now.